Fee Transaction Receipt |
Fee Receipt No. |
: {{$order_id}} |
Order id |
: {{$order_id}} |
We confirm the receipt of Registration Fees paid as per the following particulars: |
University |
: O.P. Jindal Global University. |
School |
: {{$subcollege}} |
Course applied for |
: {{$applyfor}} |
Name of the Student |
: {{$name}} |
E-mail |
: {{$email}} |
Phone |
: {{$phone}} |
LSAT Id / JGU Registration Id |
: {{$standard_id}} |
Transaction Amount |
: Rs. {{$feeamount}}/- |
Bank Charges |
: Rs. {{$amount - $feeamount}}/- |
Payment Via |
: {{$payment_via}} |
DD/Cheque/NEFT No |
: {{$tid}} |
Transaction date |
: {{date('d M Y',strtotime($date))}} |
Bank Name |
: {{$bankname}} |
Payment Status |
: Success |
Sincerely, |
Sonipat Narela Road, Near Jagdishpur village Sonipat-131001, Haryana, India. Tel: + 91-130-4091800/ 801/ 802 |
Email: fee@jgu.edu.in |