Fee Transaction Receipt
Fee Receipt No. : {{$response['order_id']}}
Order id : {{$response['order_id']}}
We confirm the receipt of Registration Fees paid as per the following particulars:
University : O.P. Jindal Global University.
Payment Purpose : {{$response['payment_purpose']}}
Name of the Student : {{$response['name']}}
E-mail : {{$response['email']}}
Phone : {{$response['phone']}}
LSAT Id / JGU Registration Id : {{$response['standard_id']}}
Transaction Amount : Rs. {{$response['feeamount']}}/-
Bank Charges : Rs. {{$response['amount'] - $response['feeamount']}}/-
Transaction ID : {{$response['tid']}}
Transaction date : {{$response['transaction_date']}}
Payment Via : {{$response['payment_via']}}
Payment Status : {{$response['payment_status']}}
Sonipat Narela Road, Near Jagdishpur village Sonipat-131001, Haryana, India.
In case of any query related to payment, you can contact at 8930120104, 8930134449, or email at
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